How to Harvest:

There are tons of resources out there on how to harvest and you may be better at it than me. However, if you are someone that just stumbled on my website and want to earn some money, don't know how to to harvest 18650 batteries, are willing to learn and bring batteries that meet my standards consistently then I am more than happy to help you learn and show you and introduction on how to do this!

*Disclaimer - Lithium Ion batteries can be dangerous, cause fires, or even explode if treated improperly. You need to read up on how to do all of this safely, watch videos, and have the necessary safety equipment to keep yourself and others safe. We are not encouraging you to do this if you do not have the prerequisite skills and take no responsibility if you hurt yourself or others.

Tools/supplies you'll need:


These gloves are mainly to protect you hands from cuts not electrical shock! 

Amazon Link

Side Cutters

You may want a different or larger pair but this is an example of a good pair. 

Amazon link


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Needle Nose Pliers

Again, a good set but you may prefer something a little larger or smaller.

Amazon link

Smart Charger

This is one of your most important pieces of equipment. It will let you test the voltage, Amp hour, as well as charging and discharging batteries

 Amazon link

18650 Wrappers

If you want to put out a quality finished product, you may want to re-wrap them so they look good and uniform, once you’ve sorted them. 

Amazon link

Type B Fire Extinguisher

You may buy type ABC or BC (the “B” is what is good for this type of fire). 

Amazon link


I put a link to Amazon but you’re probably better off buying this yourself from Lowes or Home Depot. 

Amazon link

Voltage Meter

You could just use your charger, however, having this low cost item will save you time and you can take it on the go with you anywhere. 

Amazon link

5 Gallon Bucket

Use this to keep your sand in to throw bad cells in if they’re over-heating and throw more sand on top. You maybe better off buying from Lowes or Home Depot too or use an old 5 gallon paint bucket if you have one. 

Amazon link

How to guide and resources:

Review the videos below to learn more about harvesting batteries!

Interested in selling your batteries? Contact Us

The steps I want you to take to sell to me:

Find a good source of genuine batteries, like a recycler, school, or battery shop.
Bring them back to your home/workshop.
Break open the casing.
Take out the batteries and inspect them for obvious damage (discard if found).
Inspect the batteries and look them up to double-check they are legit (LG/Samsung/Panasonic/Sony).
Remove any attached wires, metal, etc.
Test them to make sure they are above 2.5V (discard them if not).
Charge them to full capacity.
Discharge them to find their mAh.
Charge them to verify their mAh.
Put a new wrapper on them (black for 1500-2000, red for 2000-2499, green for 2500-2999, white for >3000mAh, and blue for LiFePO4 >1500mAh.
Write on the cell what its mAh is and store the like categories together.
After 3 days test the voltage again and if it's below 4V then toss it.
3V for LiFePO4.
Sell the reds, greens, whites and blues to me.

Phil Ratcliff runs this site for the expressed reason of coordinating efforts to recycle and collect Li Ion batteries while giving back through the sharing economy.
You may reach us by • Emailing • Calling 614-383-8335

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